
Recent Posts

May 22, 2024
Addressing the challenges of the new normal

Economic forecasters just a few months ago were predicting that mortgage rates would moderate to 5.8% by the end of 2024, raising hopes that we would see increasing home sales and refinance orders as the year progressed. But now both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are backpedaling on those predictions, releasing more sobering predictions in […]

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March 25, 2024
My database is a mess: Help!

Unless you have someone managing your database full-time, it’s likely that your database has been touched by dozens if not hundreds of employees over time, which in turn means it’s likely a bit of a mess. This is especially true in the title industry, where data is critical to a transaction and many different staffers […]

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March 7, 2024
Slower market demands cost containment for title agents

Cost containment is critical in a down real estate market, and as we look ahead to a muted market in 2024 and the uncertainties related to the Federal Reserve’s intentions with regard to interest rates, it is imperative that title agents take a hard look at their expenses. Evaluating costs in each department can help […]

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February 14, 2024
Beef up Your Efforts to Attract New Customers

With real estate transactions at their lowest ebb since 2010, it’s time to make a consistent effort to identify new business sources and actively solicit new customers. In addition, as sales pick up throughout 2024 and into 2025 making the effort now to embed yourself deeper into your referral system will ensure you are first […]

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February 5, 2024
We’ve Been Busy!

The first quarter of 2024 is off to a great start at FAN and The real estate industry has gotten the message: affiliated title arrangements can be a great source of additional revenue as we await the market rebound (although it’s not the right answer 100% of the time!) We’re also fielding a ton […]

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December 4, 2023
2024 Business Plan in Place? Now It’s Time for a Health Checkup

We love to make our business plans for the upcoming year – crunching the numbers and considering the possibilities for growth and expansion. Your business plan may include a market analysis, a plan for expanding your offerings to a new vertical such as commercial transactions, marketing plans for reaching your target market, a comprehensive sales […]

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November 16, 2023
Introducing “Build, Grow and Sell,” A Fresh Look at Affiliated Arrangements

We’ve been talking a lot lately about building affiliated arrangements, and that’s, in large part, because everyone’s doing the same. And we’ve also mentioned that our own Aaron Davis and Mike LaRosa have been asked by quite a few trade associations and publications to discuss the matter at length. It’s humbling! We’d also be lying […]

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October 4, 2023
Working with third party service providers? Here are a few tips for managing the risks

A regional bank recently announced that it was filing a lawsuit against a vendor who, without warning, shutdown its services due to a malware issue. The sudden cessation in services occurred in June 2022, and left the bank scrambling to fill the void for services the vendor had been providing for its customers. The story […]

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October 4, 2023
Updating your Security Plans? Don’t Forget Cellphone Protocols

Cybercriminals exploit multiple access points to get into a company’s systems for the purpose of stealing data or – in the case of title insurance companies – monitoring upcoming transactions with the intent to commit wire fraud. One of the most vulnerable entry points may be the ubiquitous cellphone. As you review your security plans […]

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